Lost in Translation? Japan in Italian Cultural Life

Venezia, 13-15 ottobre 2016
convegno internazionale
The International Conference “Lost in Translation? Japan in Italian Cultural Life” is organized by the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the relations between Italy and Japan.
The Conference will deal with the transmission of Japanese culture (literature, pop culture, art, architecture, design, music, food) in Italy since the Japan boom of the 1980s through a comparative, multidisciplinary and inter sectorial approach. It will be focussed on the idea that, rather than producing a secondary or subservient version of the original source, translation
is a process which involves the creation of a series of new originalities.
Indeed, while translation connotes a movement from one context to another, the Conference aims at rethinking the transmission of Japanese culture in Italy as a transcultural process, where translational transfer takes place between cultures that are already ‘contaminated’ in themselves; releases itself from the concept of equivalence; domesticates foreign texts, images and cultural forms; and results in the formation of new cultural orientations, practises, ideas and identities.
Aula Baratto, Ca’ Foscari University
Dorsoduro 3246
13 ottobre
14.00: Opening Ceremony and Institutional Speeches
Michele BUGLIESI (Rector of Ca’ Foscari University)
Anna CARDINALETTI (Head of the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies)
Luigi PERISSINOTTO (Head of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage)
14.30-16.30: Contestualising the Issue
Chair: Hidenobu JINNAI
Kazuyoshi UMEMOTO (Ambassador of Japan in Italy)
Opportunities and Challenges in Cultural Exchanges Between Japan and Italy
Vincenzo PETRONE (Former Ambassador of Italy in Japan)
Cultural and Political Relationships between Italy and Japan since the 1980s
Rosa CAROLI (Ca’ Foscari University)
‘Japan Boom’ in Italy. An Historical Background
Kiyomitsu YUI (Kobe University)
Glocalization by What Means? Lost and Found in Translation in Case of Pop Culture and Visuality
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
17.00-19.00: Circulating Made-in-Japan Culture: Publishing, Commercial Industries, Media and Events
Chair: Norimasa MORITA
Hiroto KOBAYASHI (Director of Jetro, Milan)
“Cool Japan”. Discover the Japanese Culinary Culture
Kiyofumi NAKAJIMA (Ghibli Museum)
Italy in Studio Ghibli Films
Laura DIMITRIO (University of Bologna)
The New Japonisme in Italian Fashion
Annalena DE BORTOLI (Associazione Italiana Ristoratori Giapponesi)
Japanese Restaurants in Italy: Cultural and Fashionable Food Tales
14 ottobre
10.00-12.00: Strategies of Translation
Chair: Masahiko SHIMADA
Francesco VITUCCI (University of Bologna)
Cross-cultural Osmosis in AVT: Diageneric Variation and Gayspeak Translation in Japanese - Italian Subtitles
Paola SCROLAVEZZA (University of Bologna)
Localizing Global Desires. The Japanese Light Novel Market in Italy
Eugenio DE ANGELIS (Ca’ Foscari University)
Man-powered Plane Terayama. The Intermedial Voyage of Terayama Shuji in Italy
Aldo TOLLINI (Ca’ Foscari University)
Translating Classic Japanese Texts Today: Limits and Problems
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.30: Made-in-Japan Culture in Italy
Chair: Rosa CAROLI
Naomi TAKASU (Director of The Japan Cultural Institute in Rome)
Japan as an Italian Landscape. The Japan Cultural Institute in Rome in the Context of History, Culture and Topography
Leone SPITA (Architect, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’)
Shrinking City. Shrinking Architecture
Junko TERAO (Asian Editor of Internazionale)
Japan in the Italian Media. A History of Fascination and Stereotypes
Marta BOSCOLO MARCHI (Director of the Oriental Art Museum in Venice)
Japan in Venice. The Influence of the Bourbon Collection on Venetian Culture Before and After the First World War
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-18.30: (Ab)originalization in Cultural Flows
Chair: Roberta NOVIELLI
IGORT alias Igor TUVERI (Cartoonist)
Japanese Notebooks
Shigeru UMEBAYASHI (Composer)
Music Floating Throughout Cultures
Fusako YUSAKI (Artist and stop-motion animator)
From Earth to Earth
(to follow: short movies by the authors)
15 ottobre
10-00-12.00: ‘Lost in Translation?’
Chair: Kiyomitsu YUI
Roberta NOVIELLI (Ca’ Foscari University)
From Kurosawa Akira to Sergio Leone: How Japanese Action Movies Influenced Italian Cinema
Norimasa MORITA (Waseda University)
Born Translated: World Literature Before Japanese Literature
Masahiko SHIMADA (Hosei University)
SF Basis Speculation about Japanese and Italian Way of Life After the Technological Singularity
Hidenobu JINNAI (Hosei University)
Japanese Cultural Impact on Italy After the 80s in the Field of Architecture and Urban Phenomena
12.00-13.00: Closing Remarks